Thursday, April 24, 2008

You can be a Fit Yummy Mummy too!!

How can you lose that stubborn baby weight once and for all? Is Fit Yummy Mummy really the best program for moms who want to get back into shape quickly and safely? All of these questions and more will be answered in this Fit Yummy Mummy review.

If you're a new mom, then you know the joys and frustrations that come with pregnancy and having a new born. It's an incredible blessing to be able to have children, but there is also a lot that needs to be done to take care of your newborn, leaving you very little time to take care of your own mental and physical health. Time usually spent at the gym instead is being spent changing diapers, warming up bottles or giving baths... What if you could find the same values as a gym membership, but only spend 15-30 minutes a day when your child is sleeping or playing?

But what if you don't know where to start and can't make it out to the gym? Well this is why Holly Rigsby has created the Fit Yummy Mummy program. This program was created by Holly because she was having trouble getting back into shape after she had her child. Through the process of finding the best exercises and routines for moms on the go, she created the Fit Yummy Mummy program.

What makes this program so wonderful is the fact that it is designed from the ground up, specifically for mothers. Holly is a mother, and she knows what it's like to have to juggle kids, work, and the other various tasks in the course of a mother's day.

This is what makes Fit Yummy Mummy such a valuable program. You don't have to worry about getting someone to watch your kids in order to exercise. The workouts only require 15 minutes of time and you can do them while your child is napping or playing with his/her toys. There are no fancy machines or equipment needed either.

The workouts also vary and one of Holly's main focuses was to create a program that was fun and that you'd actually look forward to doing. With all the variations, it's easy to find a workout that you will actually enjoy!

Are their drawbacks to Holly's plan? Of course. I would say the biggest complaint is that it is hard to eat every 3-4 hours. But I can say honestly that their ways around this. Every meal doesn't have to be a four course dinner. You can eat nutritional snacks. The main point of eating so often is to keep your metabolism from peaks and valleys. When we steady out our metabolism we burn fat at a more constant pace!

If you recently have had a child and want to whip your body back into shape so that it's long and lean, make sure you check out Fit Yummy Mummy.

To check out fit yummy mummy you can click here

Good luck and Enjoy!

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